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The Benefits Of Using E-Learning Platforms to Train Staff

The Benefits Of Using E-Learning Platforms to Train Staff
Published on Jun 08, 2022
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Since we all started working from home during the Covid-19 lockdowns, businesses from all around the world have embraced the clear benefits of online resources such as Zoom and Teams.

E-learning platforms have also massively taken off during this time and have quickly become the most popular way to train staff.

Are you considering investing in e-learning platforms to train your staff? Read the top benefits below to learn more about the bonuses for your business.

What Are E-Learning Platforms?

E-learning platforms are online systems designed specifically for providing training and online resources for people across a wide range of industries. They are a great way to provide training to your staff in a way that helps them stay engaged.

You are provided with an online space, such as a web portal, where all the training is readily available. The relevant training guides will be uploaded by your training provider and are specifically designed for your company’s requirements.

The two main options are Learning Destination Sites and Learning Management Systems.

Learning Destination Sites are free to sign up to and are full of learning content uploaded by a wide range of trainers. You can pick and choose the courses more suited to what you need.

Learning Management Systems are more tailored and are used internally by just your business. They are accessed online by employees and provide only the information they are given access to.

E-learning platforms have become increasingly popular over recent years. Not only do they integrate well with employees working from home, but e-learning platforms are also more cost-effective. You can monitor the work your team have completed and assign new training courses without having to arrange full company or department meetings.

What Are the Benefits for Staff Training?

It Can Be Done Remotely

Whether your staff are working from home or you offer flexible working for your employees, with e-learning platforms it doesn’t matter where they are based.

Instead of dragging everyone into the office for a boring training day, they can learn at their own pace in their usual, comfortable working environment.

It Can Fit A Flexible Working Environment

Another great benefit to using e-learning platforms is that they don’t have to be scheduled to fit everyone’s calendar like typical training programs.

Your staff can complete their e-learning in whichever hours they choose to work. There is also the bonus of changing the planned time last minute if something else needs prioritising.

Reduces Length of Learning Time 

Everyone takes on new information at different speeds and sometimes a more ‘classroom’ like environment can cause delays.

With a one-on-one approach like e-learning platforms, your staff can complete the tasks in a time they’re comfortable with – which is usually quicker than you would expect!

Ensures Standardised Training 

As the training is all pre-planned and set, you can be comfortable in the knowledge that all of your employees are receiving the same information.

With e-learning platforms, there is no discrimination and everyone receives the same amount of training. No matter their position or seniority, they receive the training required to improve.

Progress Can Be Continuously Monitored 

A huge benefit to online platforms such as these is that employers can monitor the amount of training their employees have completed.

You can see who has finished the training assigned and who needs a reminder to keep up to date. You also have formal records to show the training you have provided throughout the company.

It’s Scalable for Growth

Whether your organisation has 5, 50 or 500 employees, e-learning platforms can work for you.

They can be completely scaled to incorporate the different levels or volumes of training required. Once your staff have completed their assigned training schemes, there is always more to progress to.

They Can Be Targeted to Individuals

As all businesses and staff members vary so much, it’s hard to find traditional training that provides exactly what you need.

Most e-learning programs can be created bespoke for each person so they are only spending time on something that is valuable to their own skill set.

Promotes Employee Retention

As the employee market becomes ever more competitive, people are looking for extra benefits to either draw them to a new job or keep them in their own.

Employees are much more likely to stay in a company where they feel they are provided with adequate training and an opportunity to progress.

Provides Staff With Ongoing Access

If your staff have completed training and are looking for a refresher, they can have ongoing access to the e-learning platform used.

This means the information is readily available and you also don’t end up having to pay for the same thing twice.

They’re Engaging 

Another benefit of a system like an e-learning platform is that your staff feel more engaged. They don’t have to sit in a boardroom and listen to someone talk through information, which can be tiresome.

Your employees can assign their own time to complete their training and can focus on working through the information at their own speed.

It Helps Your Office Be Environmentally Conscious 

A big concern for businesses in recent years is how they can be more environmentally conscious.

Small things like office memos and paper orders have become a thing of the past and we have only seen this reflect in training programs too.

E-learning platforms mean there is no negative impact on your business's carbon footprint as no paper printouts are required. No one needs to travel to either provide or complete their training.

They Are Cost-Effective

You may be surprised that e-learning platforms are often much cheaper than paying for an instructor to come out and visit your offices.

By providing training online, you are also avoiding the cost of having to pay someone else’s wage for them to spend their time training up a new member of staff.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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